
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Rupture and Repair - S06 E09
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
We all rupture the relationship with our kids which allows us opportunities to repair it. Chris, Ryan, and Kayla discuss how to make sure that we are repairing the relationship when we are the ones who rupture it. Repairing relationship hurts let our kids know that they matter and it gives us an opportunity to model humility and making things right.
One Big Happy Home
Web | Facebook | Twitter | Email | Podcast Swag
Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy
Executive Producer: Ryan North

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Honestly Adoption with Mike and Kristin Berry - S06 E08
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Chris, Kayla, and Ryan welcome Mike and Kristin Berry to talk about their new book, Honestly Adoption. The Berrys are the parents of 8 adopted children and have cared for another 23 as foster parents. They are the founders of Confessions of an Adoptive Parent and together, they host the Honestly Adoption podcast. Their new book is a terrific resource for those considering adoption, as well as those of us who have been in that trenches for years.
Resources Mentioned in this Episode
Honestly Adoption: Answers to 101 Questions About Adoption and Foster Care - Mike and Kristin Berry
One Big Happy Home
Web | Facebook | Twitter | Email | Podcast Swag
Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy
Executive Producer: Ryan North

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Just Say Yes! - S06 E07
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Chris, Kayla, and Ryan take on a listener question about Yes Jar, and expound on why it's important to give our kids as many yeses as possible. Giving a yes is an important building block of trust with kids from hard places.
Resources Mentioned in this Episode
One Big Happy Home
Web | Facebook | Twitter | Email | Podcast Swag
Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy
Executive Producer: Ryan North

Monday Jul 01, 2019
Memories - S06 E06
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
You may laugh. You may cry. You may decide it's better than "Cats". No, Chris, Ryan, and Kayla aren't singing show tunes in this episode, but they are talking about memories. Implicit vs. explicit, exact reproduction vs. narrative, calm vs. aroused: how do these different types of memories affect our kids' beliefs and behaviors?
One Big Happy Home
Web | Facebook | Twitter | Email | Podcast Swag
Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy
Executive Producer: Ryan North

Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Fear and Felt Safety - S06 E05
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Chris, Ryan, and Kayla revisit an important topic: helping our kids from hard places feel safe. As adults, we may intellectually know our kids are safe; safe from physical and emotional harm, safe from not having enough to eat, safe from being homeless, or any number of problem areas. That doesn't mean our kids feel safe from those things, so the discussion goes to how we can help them know and feel it.
Resources Mentioned in the Episode
Empowering Principles: Creating an Environment of Felt Safety - S3E10
One Big Happy Home
Web | Facebook | Twitter | Email | Podcast Swag
Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy
Executive Producer: Ryan North

Wednesday May 15, 2019
Building the Staircase of the Brain - S06 E04
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Chris wanted to go back to the basics for this episode, so he, Ryan, and Kayla talk about that most important organ in the body: the brain. They dissect—not literally—the components of the brain and talk about how parents of vulnerable children need to pay attention to how things are working in the minds of our kids.
Resources Mentioned in the Episode
One Big Happy Home
Web | Facebook | Twitter | Email | Podcast Swag
Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy
Executive Producer: Ryan North

Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Let's be honest: parenting kids from hard places is exhausting. It can drain us physically, emotionally, and mentally, and leave us feeling like we have nothing else to give. This can be a dangerous place to find ourselves when it comes to our marriages.
Chris, Ryan, and Kayla talk about some things to be aware of in your marriage as you parent and offer some thoughts on re-engaging and reconnecting with your spouse. Kids from trauma need strong families, and strong families start with strong marriages.
One Big Happy Home
Web | Facebook | Twitter | Email | Podcast Swag
Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy
Executive Producer: Ryan North

Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Incorporating Play into Everyday - S06 E02
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Chris, Ryan, and Kayla continue the discussion on the importance of play with our kids, this time by providing practical examples for incorporating play. Topics range from finding the time to turning everyday activities into games.
Resources Mentioned in the Episode
One Big Happy Home
Web | Facebook | Twitter | Email | Podcast Swag
Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy
Executive Producer: Ryan North

Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Play! - S06 E01
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Chris is joined once again by Ryan and Kayla to talk about play. Play is vitally important for children, especially our kids from hard places, some of whom may not have had the opportunities for individual or shared play like they should have. The three talk about different types of play for different ages, and give a few ideas. (Chris is always a proponent for lightsaber fights.)
Resources Mentioned in the Episode
One Big Happy Home
Web | Facebook | Twitter | Email | Podcast Swag
Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy
Executive Producer: Ryan North

Monday Dec 24, 2018
Setting Up For Success: Practice Outside the Moment (Part 2) - S05 E22
Monday Dec 24, 2018
Monday Dec 24, 2018
In our final episode of 2018, Chris, Kayla, and Ryan again share their thoughts on how to make Christmas Day a success. This time, they discuss practicing outside of the moment when it comes to receiving gifts and traveling for the holidays.
One Big Happy Home
Web | Facebook | Twitter | Email | Podcast Swag
Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy
Executive Producer: Ryan North