
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Hurricane Harvey and Kids from Trauma - S4E1
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Toni is the Director of Legacy 685, an Adoption, Foster & Orphan Care Ministry at Houston’s First Baptist Church. She has been caring for orphaned and vulnerable children for the past 17 years. She served for many years as a teacher, house-parent & social worker at a large orphanage in Central America. During her time there she adopted a baby boy who is now 16! As a mom of a child from a hard place, Toni understands both the immense joy and the unexpected challenges of the journey.
She leads Empowered to Connect's Spanish Training Team, she is a TBRI Educator, and a Sexual Abuse Prevention Instructor, among many other disciplines involving foster care, adoption, and trauma.
If you are in the Dallas/Fort Worth metro area and would like to help with relief efforts for Houston evacuees to the area, you can find more information at our web site, http://www.irvingbible.org/relief.
Tapestry: Web | Facebook | Twitter | Donate
Empowered to Connect: Web | Facebook | Twitter
One Big Happy Home | Ryan's Blog
Intro/Outro Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy

Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Give Me An Example: Round 3 - S3E23
Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Chris invites Ryan and Kayla to participate in another game of sharing examples of various TBRI parenting tools. They discuss:
- Total Voice Control
- Time-In instead of Time Out
- Think Before You Consequence
- Respond to Fear with Connection
- Goo Timer
- Spiral Timer Liquid Motion Timer Toy
- Liquid Motion Zig Zag Timer Toy
- Adorox Liquid Bubble Drop Motion Wheel Zig Zag Desk Toy
Tapestry: Web | Facebook | Twitter | Donate
Empowered to Connect: Web | Facebook | Twitter
One Big Happy Home | Ryan's Blog
Intro/Outro Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Community: It's Important - S3E22
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Parenting is hard enough, but add traumatized children, and the difficulties can increase exponentially. Chris, Ryan, and Kayla discuss these hardships, and why it’s so important to build a community around your family that understands trust-based relational parenting and is supportive of your efforts to parent this way.
Tapestry: Web | Facebook | Twitter | Donate
Empowered to Connect: Web | Facebook | Twitter
One Big Happy Home | Ryan's Blog
Intro/Outro Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy

Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Siblings - S3E21
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Sibling relationships can always be tenuous, and even more so when it comes to kids from hard places. Chris, Ryan, and Kayla talk about strategies for dealing with these rivalries and the struggles of sibling interaction.
Tapestry: Web | Facebook | Twitter | Donate
Empowered to Connect: Web | Facebook | Twitter
One Big Happy Home | Ryan's Blog
Intro/Outro Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy

Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Help! My Kid is Sneaking Things! - S3E20
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Chris, Ryan, and Kayla respond to an email about children who engage in sneaking behaviors. Listen as they discuss if it's developmentally appropriate or trauma related, and why you need to become the world's leading expert in your children.
Tapestry: Web | Facebook | Twitter | Donate
Empowered to Connect: Web | Facebook | Twitter
One Big Happy Home | Ryan's Blog
Intro/Outro Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy

Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Bedtime Struggles - S3E19
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Chris, Ryan, and Kayla tackle an issue in this episode that most of us deal with; bedtime struggles. They discuss the value of routines (structure) and rituals (nurture) at bedtime and why the cause of the issue may or may not be what you think.
One Big Happy Home
Web | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Email | Patreon
Intro/Outro Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere
Engineered and Produced by Dallas Stacy

Monday Jun 12, 2017
Monday Jun 12, 2017
Chris, Ryan, and Kayla talk about the fear that connected parenting doesn't prepare our kids for the real world, and why the reasons behind this fear are unfounded.
Tapestry: Web | Facebook | Twitter | Donate
Empowered to Connect: Web | Facebook | Twitter
One Big Happy Home | Ryan's Blog
Intro/Outro Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere

Wednesday May 31, 2017
Teenagers - S3E17
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Chris, Ryan, and Kayla spend some time discussing teenagers. The teen years are difficult for most as identity and power struggles are magnified.
Tapestry: Web | Facebook | Twitter | Donate
Empowered to Connect: Web | Facebook | Twitter
One Big Happy Home | Ryan's Blog
Intro/Outro Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere

Wednesday May 24, 2017
Lying - S3E16
Wednesday May 24, 2017
Wednesday May 24, 2017
Chris, Ryan, and Kayla discuss a question they get from many parents. And that question is, "why do my children lie and what can I do about it"? The answer requires a lot of grace and may not be what most people think it is.
Tapestry: Web | Facebook | Twitter | Donate
Empowered to Connect: Web | Facebook | Twitter
One Big Happy Home | Ryan's Blog
Intro/Outro Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere

Tuesday May 16, 2017
How Does Connected Parenting Work in a Big Family? - S3E15
Tuesday May 16, 2017
Tuesday May 16, 2017
Chris, Ryan, and Kayla are joined once again by Maggie Popp and they discuss how to implement TBRI concepts and strategies in large families. The three families have 15 kids between them.
Tapestry: Web | Facebook | Twitter | Donate
Empowered to Connect: Web | Facebook | Twitter
One Big Happy Home | Ryan's Blog
Intro/Outro Music: "Home" by Moses Uvere